Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Complaining With Purpose

I have decided not to post the recent blog I wrote while sitting in yet another airport bar on my way to yet another wine competition because I sound like a whinny little bi*ch. I mean I know you guys already expect me to be whining about something, but I found myself whining about flying off to another cool place to be treated like royalty and to do what I love most... taste wine. This time it wasn't the nerves that had me in the dumps since I've been to this competition before and know what to expect, but rather it was about leaving my husband and daughter for 4 days. I know most couples and or parents relish the opportunity to escape and have solo time, but my family has had so much intense crap happen over the last few years that in the current time, we are happy and enjoying each other and I don't want to miss a second of this quite, luxuriously simple time. 

Anyway, we are going to skip ahead and do a 'what I have learned' blog moment. As I spent the past week with some of my favorite people in my new wine family, all certified insane level vino geeks. What I started to notice was that we are all in the world in the same way. Here are some sample conversations, lets see if you can find the theme...

Convo 1:
P1 "Hey, are you cold in here?"
P2 "I'm a little chilled, but it doesn't bother me, however if it were any colder, I would definitely have a problem with it"
P3 "I'm cold. I think it is too cold to be tolerated"
P1 "Interesting, so I guess it's passable, but not stellar temperature."
P2 "Yes, this place is great!"
everyone nods in agreement.

Convo 2:
P1 "Do you think the turkey salad has been properly refrigerated? Seems like it's been out. Taste it and see if the mayo has turned too tangy"
P2 "This coffee is lukewarm"
P1 "That's a good thing, we don't want to destroy our palates"
P2 "Well yes, but a touch warmer would be nice"
P3 "I don't see any tea, I only do tea when I'm judging"
P1 "I guess I'll just eat the bread and cheese"
P3 "What a wonderful lunch!
everyone nods in agreement.

Convo 3:
P1 "Finally done judging and we can get a drink to actually drink!"
P2 "Yes! These are some interesting wines they have out for us."
P3 "Let's all start with a glass of _____"
P4 "Ahhhh I needed this."
P3 "Hmmm... are you getting hints of VA?"
P1 "Yes, and it's killing the fruit"
P2 "Dump that out and lets see about this other one."
P3 "This is better."
P4 "I feel like the fruit is tired."
P1 "It is an older vintage, that is totally within range"
everyone switches to enjoyment mode and sips the wine with smiles.

Complain much?!? Yes, all the time! Only we don't see it as complaining and we don't see a gripe with something as the end all of what we think. We want to address every single flaw in the environment, idea, concept, trip, food or experience and then filter back in positives and weigh them out for the end score. We are people with heightened sensitivities and awareness that results in excellent wine judges and maybe slightly annoying people to the rest of the world. I know for a fact that I can drive my loved ones crazy with my natural inclination to do this. 

I have to say it was an ah-ha moment and sharing this with my husband shed new light on how I am in the world for him. And maybe if I share this with all of you, you guys will understand that those of us that are hyper aware are not being critical, but are assessing everything in order to categorize it. One thing I know for sure is that these trips do give me perspective on my relationships and life and that I currently have a Double Gold in both.

*This wine was brought to you by an adequate white wine that has nice fruit, good acid and pretty aromas, but has gotten too warm in my glass. 

Remember, no matter what you do, Wine First!

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