Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Here We Go!

The epic trip to Eastern Europe is now only 3 days away and I have developed a stress tick in my right eye that causes it to twitch any time I start to talk about work or the trip. By 4:00pm today, it seemed like a good call to give myself a timeout (aka glass of wine) and complain to all you good people.

If you had followed my previous blog ( while we traveled through Colombia last year, you may be picking up on a different feel for this trip. How very astute of you! Last year we prepared for that trip as we headed into the slower season for the winery and the entire trip was us meandering, at our leisure, across the country. This trip, on the other hand, is going to be jam packed and busy the entire time with added stress components of Judging International Wine Competitions over there and even flying from Budapest back to New York for an American competition...and then returning to Budapest. Then when we return from this trip, I will be hit with the full swing of event season. Pretty sure I will need a vacation from the vacation.

Having the Judging stuck in this trip is not only an incredible honor and exhilarating, but also a packing quandary. I considered divulging all the details of my packing struggle and then realized that could drive you all to drink out of boredom. Just know, the struggle is real. #WhitePeopleProblems

OK moving onto another stressor: my husband is my translator when we travel. I will, for the 1st time, have to do some major things on this trip without him by my side. He claims he is not gifted with the ability to learn languages, but I disagree. He is fluent in Spanish, knows a lot of Italian, some French, was just learning Romanian and now that we aren't going to Romania, is picking up German. Where as I can hardly pronounce  English words with my short, fat, non-whistling tongue. So, I call bullshit on that. Anyway, that isn't the point, the point is that he won't be there to hold my hand (and ease my anxiety) while I work in these foreign countries and travel on my own. If ever I needed to buy some big girl pants, it's now. If you don't get that reference, as in "oh come on woman, put on your big girl pants and grow up", then you probably think I am talking about being over weight. And since I am currently not at my ideal weight...that is an equally true way to interpret 'needing big girl pants'. I should probably get on my Amazon Prime account and place an order.

And there goes my eye twitching again.

(This was written, but not posted due to all the prep for the trip and last minute work projects. Now the big day is TOMORROW...and my eye is still twitching. Must need even more wine)

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